05 August 2011

"Do you have the power to let power go?"

Oy vey, what a strange couple of days. My past, both things I did and things I didn't do, is coming back to bite me in the ass. A caseworker with Transitional Living here in Hamilton (whom I haven't seen in 4 years) is telling his clients that I am a "pot head" and to stay away from me. First of all, he shouldn't talk about me at all. It's a total breech of confidentiality, and thus completely unethical. Second, he's lying. My partner for 2 years was also a client of his at the time, and yes, my partner had drug addiction issues. That doesn't mean I did. I was in school a lot of the time, getting stellar grades despite the atmosphere at home, and I resent being called names because of what someone else was doing. The caseworker was rarely around at all, and had us sign slips for visits he never made. If he was so damn concerned about drug usage at our home, why didn't he try to get us to seek treatment, or report us to the authorities? He's a gossip, and I don't appreciate it, especially from a supposed "professional."
Then I heard from my friend Viki this morning. It was mostly great, but she did run into my ex, who tried to ask about me. I'm grateful that Viki steered the conversation elsewhere, and I'm also grateful to know my ex is alive and well. Still, it gave the day a weird flavor, hearing her name. The weirdest thing? While Viki and I were talking, my ex called Viki on her other line. I guess we still have that weird connection......but I'm not going backwards anymore. No matter how hard people try to make me into what they wanted me to be, I'm moving on. It's time.

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