08 February 2012

My Exciting Life, lol

Bored and up early this morning. Still feeling a little tired. Will probably divide my morning between the internet and cleaning the house, then go to CVS at 11 am. I need paper towels, toilet paper, and to pick up my meds. When I get home, I will either return to cleaning the house, or I will take a nap. I'm thinking right now that the latter is the superior choice. I would go back to bed now, but I want to get my chores and errands over with. It's supposed to snow....hell, it may be snowing now. I haven't looked in awhile. Anyway, that's all I really know. The hysterectomy is now postponed until at least March, pending testing and a possible platelet infusion. My health is such a friggin mess though, I have lost all interest in speaking of it. Just listening to some Dixie Chicks and chillin......

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Field Trips

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