07 October 2012

Pissed Off and Frozen in Hamilton

"It's nothing, they turned off my heat, and I'm just a little weak on my feet....."

"We're hungry and frozen- some life that we've chosen!"

Those are my Rent quotes of the day. I'm sitting here in an icy cold apartment in Hamilton, Ohio, freezing my ass off. It's 46 degrees outside, and I have no heat. I live in public housing, and they aren't turning on our heating system until Friday. I am considering staying with Carrie or my parents until then....I feel like a friggin' Popsicle. Yeah, I just texted Carrie, and she said she'd take me in :) I'll just go home with her after we volunteer for the Dems tomorrow. My mother will bitch me out for going to Carrie's again so soon, but my mother bitches me out for pretty much everything I do, so no loss there. It's dropped to 44 degrees outside, and I'm pretty much ready to just pile on a bunch of blankets and sweaters, and go to bed. Gotta love how Butler Metropolitan Housing Authority values it's residents...."save a buck- freeze the poor and disabled" should be their motto. Oh great. Now Carrie is having second thoughts about keeping me for 4 days....ok, I guess I'll go to West Chester. Ah, dealing with my parents until Friday. I'm going to bed before I start crying.

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